The Greek Front of Resistance and Solidarity with Palestine “Ghassan Kanafani” invites all friends of Palestine to immediately stop every purchase of products on super-market shelves, where “Israel” is the source country. These products are produced inside the illegal settlements created by the Zionist entity within Occupied Palestine; therefore, purchasing these products strengthens the economic power of the Zionist Occupation and has devastating consequences for the Palestinians.
Israeli products
Almost half of the illegal settlements located in the Jordan Valley are boosted through the cultivation of these products, which contributes significantly to their economic viability. This profitability results in the devaluation of Palestinian workers, the exploitation of child labour and the expulsion of Palestinian farmers from their land.
Exports of these products give Israel $265 million a year. About 60% comes from illegal planting and packing facilities, mainly in the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea. Hadiklaim, the Israeli Date Growers Cooperative, is the most important producer, selling all over Europe and the US.
Child exploitation and illegal working practices
In a report by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz in 2006, many of these unfair working practices have been exposed; these include working on the top of palm trees under the exhausting sun for up to nine hours non-stop. Palestinian workers are paid less than their Israeli counterparts in violation of the Israeli law, while more than 7.000 children aged between 5 and 17 work only in the Jordan Valley.
We call on all Greek super-markets to immediately withdraw Israeli products from their shelves. Until this is done, we call on the Greek people to turn their backs on these products, as the minimum form of resistance against the Zionist Apartheid and what this causes to the Palestinians. We call on the Greek people to contribute to ending the on-going crime in Palestine.
At this point, we find important to share a video of solidarity action taken in a supermarket in Ireland four years ago, in which friends of Palestine and supporters of the Palestinian struggle have moved on to BDS by removing Israeli products from the super-market shelves.